With millions of recipes on the internet, finding recipes that look delicious and taste delicious, can be hard. Now, with Samsung Food Communities, you can save time finding the right recipe by collaborating with others. Communities make it easier to connect with others who share your food interests, so together, you can curate a space of relevant recipes that you can easily save, plan, and shop with Samsung Food. Learn how to get started with Samsung Food Communities and discover, cook, and share recipes you love.
How to Join a Community
- Quickly access Communities you join from your home tab to start discovering new recipes.
- From the Home tab, you can browse different Communities
- Once you’ve found a Community you’d like to join, click Join in the top left corner of the community card.
Note: If the Community is private, you will need to be approved by the Community owner or admin. If your request to join is approved, you'll receive an email notification letting you know your request was approved.
- A pop up confirming you’ve joined that Community will appear at the bottom of the screen. The button on the community card will also change from “Join” to “Joined.”
Once you’ve joined a Community, a My communities section will appear at the top of your Home tab screen where you can view all of the Communities you’ve joined.
How to Contribute to a Community
Share recipes you love and inspire others in your Communities.
- In order to contribute to a Community, you must first join the Community
Note: Some Communities may only allow Community owners or admins to contribute recipes. If this is the case, you will not be able to post recipes in the Community. However, you can still join the Community and view and save recipes.
- Once you’ve joined the Community, navigate to the Community’s page by clicking on the community card
- Click the + icon in the bottom right corner of the screen
- To share an existing recipe with the Community, select Add an existing recipe. A list of your saved recipes will appear. Click the recipe you’d like to add, then press the Add button at the bottom of the screen.
- To share a new recipe with the Community, select Create a new recipe. The Recipe Builder will appear where you can add details about your recipe. Click Save.
- Once you’ve added a new or existing recipe, your recipe will appear in the recipe feed on the Community’s page
Note* You are only allowed to share the original recipe. Samsung Food does not permit sharing of edited or tweaked recipes. The primary reason for this restriction is to protect the intellectual property of the creators.
To maintain the great experience that Communities can provide on Samsung Food, we have some rules and guidelines around participation in public Communities that ensure they deliver the relevancy and variety. Please review Samsung Food User Community Guidelines to best understand how we ensure that Communities can be appropriate and enjoyed for all members.
How to Save Community Recipes to Your Recipe Box
Browse, discover, and save recipes shared by your Communities.
- Once you’ve joined a Community, you can browse recipes that other contributors have shared.
- To save a recipe you like, simply click Save in the top left corner of the recipe card.
- A pop-up will appear at the bottom of the screen to confirm the recipe has been saved to your Recipe Box. From this pop up you can also save the recipe to a collection by clicking Select Collections. Then, select an existing collection or create a new collection and press Done.
- Alternatively, you can click the recipe card and select the Save recipe button at the bottom of the screen. Once you’ve saved the recipe, you can then add it to a collection by tapping Select Collections from the pop-up that appears or clicking the three dots in the top right-hand corner and choosing Select Collection from the dropdown menu.
How to Create Your Own Community
Create a Community around food interests that others will love too.
- From the Home tab, click the + icon in the bottom right corner of the screen
- A new window will appear prompting you to enter information about the Community you’d like to create.
- Community name: Create a name for your community. This cannot be edited later.
- Cover photo: Add a cover photo for your Community.
- Description: Provide a brief description of what you Community is all about. This is optional.
- Category: Select a relevant category from the dropdown.
- Privacy: Choose whether your Community is public or private. Public Communities are visible and discoverable on the Samsung Food Home tab and anyone can join. Private Communities are hidden and not discoverable by other Samsung Food users unless invited to join by an admin.
- Permissions: Choose whether anyone can post recipes to your Community or if only admins will be allowed to post to your Community
- Press Create. A confirmation pop up will appear.
- Next, you can select recipes to add to your Community from your Recipe Box. If you'd like to add recipes later, press Skip in the top right corner.
- Next, invite others to join your Community by name, email, text, or social media. You can also copy and share a link to your Community. If you'd like to invite collaborators later, press Skip in the top right corner.
- Your Community is now live! You'll be redirected to your Community page and your new Community will now appear in your My communities.
How to Share Samsung Food Communities with Others
Share your favorite Communities with friends and family.
- To share a Community, navigate to the Community’s page from the Home tab
- On the Community’s page, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen and select Share Community from the dropdown menu. If you’re already a part of the Community, you also have the option use the Invite button on the Community’s page.
- A new window will appear where you can then enter an email address, copy a link, text, or share the Community through different social media platforms
- Once you’ve entered an email, press Send
- The recipient will receive an email from the Samsung Food team notifying them that you’ve invited them to join the Community
How to Leave a Community
Leave Communities that no longer interest you.
- From the Home tab, under My communities, navigate to the Community you’d like to leave
- From the Community page, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen
- Then, click Leave community
- The Community will no longer appear in the "My communities" section on your Home tab
How to Leave a Community as the Owner
Leave the Community you created and transfer ownership to another Community member.
- From your Community page, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen
- Then, click Leave community.
- Before you can leave your own Community, you'll need to transfer your ownership. Select Transfer ownership.
- You'll then be redirected to your Community's member list where you can select a member to be the new Community owner.
How to Edit Your Community
Edit your Community to change the cover photo, modify the description or category, and update privacy and permissions settings.
- From the Home tab, under My communities, navigate to your Community
- From the Community’s page, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen
- Then, click Edit Community
- From there, you will be able to modify your cover photo, description, category, and privacy and permissions settings
- If you'd like to change your Community name, please contact us
How to Change Your Community Name
Please contact us if you want to change your Community's name.