Step One
Check that your site is using microdata or a microformat. This is an industry-standard data format that allows Whisk to process your recipe content.
Step Two
Create duplicate versions of all recipe pages to which you want to add Whisk’s shopping list functionality, on publicly accessible URLs (i.e. not behind a login wall).
You won’t send your users to these duplicate versions and can block search engines from indexing these pages by using the noindex directive. However, by pointing Whisk towards these pages, we’re able to parse and understand your content, which wouldn’t be possible if your content is only available behind a login wall.
Step Three
Add the Whisk shopping list code snippet to your original recipe pages (i.e. those that sit behind the login wall). Use the recipeUrl parameter to point Whisk to the publicly accessible duplicate version of the recipe page.
Example: Add recipeUrl: '' to the Whisk shopping list code on your original recipe page, i.e.
To get a shopping list code snippet, please see Widget Builder.
Step Four
All set! Whisk will now use the publicly accessible duplicate versions of your recipes to parse your recipe content and provide shopping list functionality to your users through the code snippet that you integrated on the original recipe pages behind the login wall.